The official Robert J. Kuntz digital RPG products store, operated by Three Line Studio. Welcome to the treasure trove! * LIVING ROOMS / BEYOND THE LIVING ROOM / THE OPEN FORM BROADSIDE are out now. *
Rob Kuntz's iconic Dark Druids RPG adventure module is back in town!
Our latest print version to date of Dark Druids was published by Chaotic Henchmen Productions (Guy Fullerton) in 2015. After it recently sold out, we are delighted to announce its release as a downloadable digital (PDF) version, exclusive to our store!
Dark Druids is a new version of a module that was previously released in 2002 and 2006 for different game systems. If you have an older version, you already have most of the content in this new version. See the 'What's New & Different' section further below for details on what's been added/changed in this new version.
Product Synopsis: Evil grows in Fang Forest! The Dark Druids commit foul atrocities, holding no respect for human, plant, or animal life. They abhor civilization, and have begun assassinating key political figures and destroying settlements. As their horrible influence expands, they have begun changing nature, distorting it to their evil ways. In doing these things, the Dark Druids threaten the very fabric of existence. Their terror must stop!
Product Description: Dark Druids includes complete descriptions and maps for an outdoor area and a three-level adventure site, and is easily adaptable to most campaign settings. It also includes:
System: For use with 1st Edition AD&D*, and largely compatible with 2nd edition, the Basic game, the Original game, as well as the various clones and simulacra.
Format: 56 pages, Retro-style cover with maps on the cover interior.
Downloadable and fully printable colour PDF in booklet style, 56 pages, size 8.5" x 11.00", full colour cover. Viewable on all electronic devices (PC/MAC/Android) equipped with FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Author: Robert J. Kuntz
Cover Artists: Jeremy Hart (front cover), Ian Baggley (back cover)
Interior Artists: Ian Baggley, Jason Braun, Courtney Campbell, Andy “ATOM” Taylor, Brian “GLAD” Thomas.
As mentioned above, Dark Druids was previously released in 2002 by Troll Lord Games as a d20 module; and then released again by Rob Kuntz in 2006, expanded with additional content, as pdf modules for the Creations Unlimited system and the d20 system. (In fact, used copies of the 2002 version aren't hard to find on eBay, Amazon and Noble Knight Games, usually around $10 + shipping, so if you'd prefer that version, grab it!)
If you already own a prior version and are unsure whether to get the new version, the following might help you decide...
The new 2015 version of Dark Druids:
(Note: Keyed areas have been re-numbered and in some cases re-ordered. So if you're hoping to use the newly re-rendered maps with an older version of the module, you'll have to write the old area numbers onto the new maps.)
2006 Expansion Material:
When ordering Dark Druids, you will receive a digital download folder with the Dark Druid adventure module + the Dark Druid Sect Spell Tables (ideal if making a Dark Druid PC or NPC!), integrating the Allegiance Spell details into the standard Druid spell table.
Please note that Dark Druids will only be available in PDF format for the foreseeable future, and until further notice.
** HOT $5.00 SAVING TIP! ** Purchase 'THE DATG DARK DRUIDS BUNDLE' for $20.00 and save $5.00. THE DATG DARK DRUIDS BUNDLE = DAVE ARNESON'S TRUE GENIUS + DARK DRUIDS. The discount is only applicable when you purchase the actual BUNDLE product from our product listing.
* AD&D is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, and is used without permission. Chaotic Henchmen Productions and its products are not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.
Rob Kuntz is one of the legendary founders of the D&D™ game and a first-wave alumnus of TSR, the company which in 1974 produced the world's first RPG in his home town of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Rob is the "Last Designer Standing" from the game's UR beginning; and he considers it a huge honor and duty to celebrate the people and sources that were instrumental in birthing and nurturing what he believes was a paradigm shift in game design and game theory.
Three Line Studio is the entertainment-development firm of legendary award-winning author and designer Robert J. Kuntz. Three Line Studio Store sells his latest — never before published — RPG-related material in digital (PDF) format. Welcome!
2023 was an exciting year for TLS and our fans as we celebrated the 50-year anniversary of the inception and play-testing of the world's first commercial RPG wherein Rob was intimately involved with its creation. The celebrations continue in 2024 with the 50th anniversary of the launch of D&D. Follow us on our memory-filled journey with a slew of commemorative releases, starting off with Gargax's Glorious Gewgaws and Pryce's Price.
* Dungeons & Dragons is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast.